Nicolette Noira

Sharlayan Post-Graduate StudentFace


  • Age: 24

  • Public Occupation: Doctoral Candidate, Journey's End

  • Private Occupation: [Redacted]

  • Studying under Professor Worley

Initially attending Sharlayan on scholarship, having traveled from the refugee camps of Ul'dah to receive an education abroad, she graduated with high marks. But her field of study was liberal arts and she needed additional help to continue her education, as the Scholarship was much reduced following her initial graduation.In order to continue her studies, she was offered a sponsorship by a mysterious woman who claimed to be making the offer on behalf of an Ishgardian minor noble. And while it allowed her to stay at school, it did only that.As such, she spends her nights working, having risen from dive bars and underground clubs offering seedy entertainment, to what she considers the pinnacle of class.


Currently writing a Doctoral Thesis on the flight paths of migrating birds in every era, she boasts a keen wit and a curious mind. Despite the narrow focus of her dissertation, from the moment she entered as a student, she has been taking classes on a wide variety of subjects, from alchemy and aetherology to underwater basket weaving and knitting.When she opens up, she will often talk about things that she doesn't carry with her back to Sharlayan - whether that be her experiences growing up a refugee, the dives she's worked at and things she's seen there, or simply some odd stories she once heard whispered from passing entertainers she's worked with.Dove often comes off as shy, hesitant, and unsure - but her shyness does not result from a sheltered upbringing. Rather, she hesitates because she's afraid the lofty heights she's risen to will see who she is beneath the learning and the smiles - and her patrons will one day remember that beneath all the pretty bows and silks, she's still a simple streetrat.


- IC and OOC must remain separate
- Dark/Mature Themes encouraged
- Mid/Long post length
- Discord DM Open
- 21+